By adding you to one of our tradelines (credit cards), you will get the benefit of the age and credit limit of our amazing cards, raising your score quickly.

Credit piggybacking (using Authorized User (AU) positions also known as tradelines) has been a credit-building strategy that has benefited primarily the privileged, or those in the know, for decades. Simply Tradelines aims to promote equal credit opportunities by making this option affordable and available to everyone. An excellent example of this is when parents add their child as an authorized user on their credit card (using tradelines), which instantly adds good history, typically larger limits, and almost always increases their credit score.

We won’t waste your time or your money – we provide a service that simply works to raise your credit score, period. We work with and partner with individual credit card holders to temporarily authorize you as a new user. This means, their good credit is now your credit and ideally, you will be able to qualify for your financial goals with a better credit profile, and a higher credit score.

Contact today to see if we can help you with your financial goals, and credit journey.

We Will NOT Work With CPNs

Because using a CPN (Credit Privacy Number) to apply for credit is against the law, we cannot serve consumers looking to use them. Our service is strictly for people using a valid SSN. We verify all of our clients’ SSNs through methods including third-party databases, and/or directly with the Social Security Administration, before processing orders. We pride ourselves on taking all of the necessary measures to protect our credit partners, our clients, and creditors. Under no circumstances will Simply Tradelines accept a CPN. Any orders attempting to bypass our fraud filters will not be refunded.